- according to his description
- в соответствии с его описанием
Большой англо-русский учебный словарь сочетаемости. Кауль М.Р., Хидекель С.С. 2010.
Большой англо-русский учебный словарь сочетаемости. Кауль М.Р., Хидекель С.С. 2010.
Knowledge by description — The contrasting expressions knowledge by description and knowledge by acquaintance were promoted by Bertrand Russell, who was extremely critical of the equivocal nature of the word know , and believed that the equivocation arose from a failure to … Wikipedia
Implicate and Explicate Order according to David Bohm — David Bohm proposed a cosmological order radically different from generally accepted conventions, which he expressed as a distinction between the implicate and explicate order, described in the book Wholeness and the Implicate Order ::In the… … Wikipedia
Beelzebub's Tales to His Grandson — Infobox Book name = Beelzebub s Tales to His Grandson title orig = translator = image caption = The Penguin paperback edition author = G. I. Gurdjieff illustrator = cover artist = country = language = Russian and Armenian (original) series =… … Wikipedia
Minimum description length — The minimum description length (MDL) principle is a formalization of Occam s Razor in which the best hypothesis for a given set of data is the one that leads to the best compression of the data. MDL was introduced by Jorma Rissanen in 1978. It is … Wikipedia
The Genesis According to Spiritism — The Genesis, Miracles and Premonition According to Spiritism ( La Genése, les Miracles et les Preditions selon le Spiritisme in the original French) was the last book published (1868) by Allan Kardec, just before his death. It tries to reconcile… … Wikipedia
Races and creatures in His Dark Materials — This is a list of fictional races and creatures in the His Dark Materials series by Philip Pullman. Contents 1 Armoured Bears (panserbjørne) 1.1 Description 1.2 Society 1.3 … Wikipedia
Wudu according to the four Madhhab — This article is about Hygiene in Islam .Wudu according to the four maddhab is a description of the principles of wudu according to the four major schools of Islamic jurisprudence (fiqh): Hanafi, Hanbali, Maliki and Shafi i. The issues discussed… … Wikipedia
Thick description — In anthropology and other fields, a thick description of a human behaviour is one that explains not just the behaviour, but its context as well, such that the behaviour becomes meaningful to an outsider.The term was used by the anthropologist… … Wikipedia
Resource Description Framework — Infobox file format name = Resource Description Framework icon = logo = extension = .rdf mime = application/rdf+xml type code = uniform type = magic = owner = [http://www.w3.org/ World Wide Web Consortium] genre = semantic web container for =… … Wikipedia
Dick Whittington and His Cat — Richard Whittington and his Cat, from The New Wonderful Museum, and Extraordinary Magazine,[1] London, 1808 Dick Whittington and His Cat is an English folk tale that has often been used as the basis for stage pantomimes and other adaptations. It… … Wikipedia
Locations in His Dark Materials — This article covers the fictional locations in the His Dark Materials trilogy by Philip Pullman. Contents 1 Locations 1.1 Jordan College 1.2 Trollesund 1.3 Svalbard … Wikipedia